10:15 - 12:00
Saturday, June 10 2023

Recycling and Reusing of Plastic

Rallio Lepidou, Journalist


Pavillion 14


Manolis Grafakos
General Secretary for Waste Management Coordination of the Ministry of  Environment and Energy of Greece
Vasileios Gounaris
President of the Association of Hellenic Plastics Industry (AHPI), President of the German-Hellenic Chamber, Managing Director of BASF Hellas S.A.
Thodoris Deligiannakis
Legal Affairs Committee of the German-Hellenic Chamber
Dr. Athanasios Sfikas
Lead Auditor DQS Hellas Ltd.
Ioannis Sideris
Chief Sustainability Officer, Thrace Plastics Group
Konstantinos Athanasiadis
Representative of WEIMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Evgenios Dionysopoulos
Founder of DION Group of Companies (DION Techniki S.A., DION A.B.E.T.E.)