Sirma Zheleva

Head of Sustainability Unit at TexCycle (Eurotex Ltd.)

She is Head of Sustainability Unit at TexCycle for almost 5 years and she is part the company for around 12. The company was established as a textile sorting and wholesale enterprise and is being transformed towards application of the circular economy principles, hence offering services related to the full range of utilization of unwanted textile. 

She is also CEO of the Bulgarian Association of Circular Textiles which unites companies with accumulated expertise in the field of separate collection and utilization of textile waste.

She has a master’s degree of Circular economy and Accounting. She has a deep knowledge and experience on the end of use phase of the textiles. Her expertise is the matching of the environmental legislation with the business.

She is always open to discuss real and practical solutions regarding the sustainability in the textile industry. She is driven to look for opportunities to leave the linear model of working behind and to shift to a circular one. Her experience so far makes her strongly believe that this journey must be a collaborative effort.