Hristina Odzaklieska

Deputy Minister on Environment and Physical Planning of North Macedonia

Work experience


Institution: Spatial Planning Agency (2007-2020)

Job title: Environmental and Natural Heritage Planner


Doctor of Geographical Sciences

Institute of Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Ss.Cyril and Methodius University

Skopje, February 2012 – June 2017



Member of the team for preparation of the Methodology for arrangement of the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Northern Macedonia.

Author of a sectoral study on environmental protection prepared for the need to arrange an Spatial Plan of the Eastern Planning Region.

Author of a sectoral study for protection of the natural heritage made for the need to prepare an Spatial Plan for National Park Pelister and a member of the synthetic team of the Spatial Plan.

Author of a sectoral study for protection of the natural heritage made for the need to prepare an Spatial Plan for National Park Mavrovo and assistant to the head of the Environmental Plan department.

Author of a sectoral study on environmental protection prepared for the need to arrange an Spatial Plan for the National Park Galicica.

Author of a sectoral study for environmental protection prepared for the need to arrange a General Urban Plan of the City of Skopje.

Prepare a text on the sectoral field of environment and natural heritage on the need to arrange an Annual Report on the Spatial of the Environmental Plan of the Republic of North Macedonia in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2014, 2016 and 2018.




Professional Activity


-         Lecturer in “Vision for Human Environmental Planning” at the seminar “ Skopje against environmental challenges” supported by the French Institute in Paris, November – 2018, Skopje.

-         Lecturer on the topic “Dealing with illegal dumpsites”, in the seminar “How to ensure cleaner air in cities”, organized by the citizens’ association Green Institute, November – 2018, Skopje.

-         Lecturer on the topic “Environmental Protection as a prerequisite for the development of ecotourism”, at the conference “4 seasons of ecotourism in the Ohrid region “, organized by the citizens’ association Green Institute, June – 2018, Ohrid.

-         Member of the working team for the preparation of a Regulation on planning, drafting and maintenance of greenery, MOEPP, September – 2018, Skopje.

-         Member of the Steering Committee of the project “ Achieving biodiversity protection through the creation and efficient management of protected areas and integration of biodiversity in land planning and use “, MOEPP, December – 2017

-         National researcher in the international project “ Greeting the Balcans economis – Change policies NOT Climate “, January – 2017, January – 2018.

-         Lectures on the topic “ Illegal dumpsites in the Polog region – challenges and solutions”, Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Southeast Europe, 3rd of March, 2017 – Tetovo.

-         Moderator of the session of the Scientific Symposium with international participation “ Problems and perspectives of the hilly – mountain areas” 12-15 September 2013, Ohrid.

-         Lecturer on the topic “ Energy rehabilitation of building”, at the seminar “ Environmental standards in the construction and reconstruction of public facilities”, Chamber of Small Business, 23rd of April 2013, Skopje.

-         Lecturer on the topic “ Standards for sustainable projects in energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources “, at the seminar “ Sustainable Development – Green Economy”, Chamber of Small Business, 22nd of June – 2012, Skopje.

-         Lecturer on the topic “Strategic Assessment of Planning Documents – Theory and Practice “ at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, December – 2009, Skopje.