Georgios Mentzelopoulos

President of the Aluminium Association of Greece

Mr Georgios Mentzelopoulos holds the position of Deputy General Manager at Corinth Pipeworks. In paraller with his duties, he is a member of the Board of Directors of ETEM GESTAMP Extrusion, President of the Hellenic Aluminum Union.
He holds a BSc in Economics from Athens University of Economics and Business, and has over 20 years of experience in leading and transforming manufacturing businesses.
Since 1996 when he started his career at Corinth Pipeworks, he held several positions of responsibility in Finance with the last one being the one of CFO, while moving forward he assumed senior management positions within Viohalco such as CFO in Stomana, CEO of Etem Group of Companies, EtemGestamp Extrusions & Automotive S.A., Head of Central Procurement department at Steelmet.