Georgi Toshev is a Lawyer, Member of Sofia Bar Association.
At present he is a Chairman of the Мanagement Board of the "Institute for Development and Management of Resources" (IDMR) and Chairman of Coordination Council of the “Alliance of the producers of ecological energy” Association, using the capacity and strengths of the NGO sector as an advocacy tool for amendment of the legal and social system with the implementation of the principles of democratic governance, full employment and a low-carbon economy. The strategic Vision is the development of energy sector as a priority, sustainable and environmentally friendly industry, insofar as it is directly related to the circular economy, the well-being and the cost of living of the citizens. The Mission is to serve as a bridge in the promotion and facilitation of dialogue between citizens, businesses and Bulgarian and European Institutions.
Georgi was born in 1977 in Sofia, Bulgaria, graduated at the “National Lizei for Ancient Languages and Civilizations. He graduated at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ochridsky” and has masters degree in Law, 2001. Graduated at the Institute for International Education – “Juniar Justice Professionals Training Programme (JJPTP)”, USA, 2014. Graduated at theBulgarian School of Politics “Dimitry Panitza” - “National Governing Skills Program” (NGO, which has been training the political and civic leaders of Bulgaria since 2001), 2016.